Koepsell Funeral Home
Beaver Dam, WI, USA

The Meshakwad DIII Community Center was built for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. It is a 45,702-square-foot, two-story facility designed to be a central hub for community activities. This versatile center includes a commercial kitchen, a boxing ring, locker rooms, a walking track, a fitness center, and various community rooms, all tailored to support a wide range of recreational and social functions. Our firm provided comprehensive services, including architectural design, interior design, and multiple engineering disciplines. Collaborating with the client, we ensured that the design elements met functional requirements and reinforced the cultural identity of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe by integrating practical and aesthetic features that reflect their heritage and values.

Main level (above) and upper level (below) plans.

Affirming Culture Through Collaboration & Design
The Meshakwad DIII Community Center is a testament to the collaborative spirit between the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe and our architectural firm, resulting in a design that beautifully reflects the tribe's cultural identity. Working closely with tribal representatives, we incorporated heavy timber into the information desk that echoes their woodland Indian heritage, establishing a warm, welcoming focal point. Conversations about interconnectedness, a fundamental value of the Ojibwe community, inspired the lobby's circular lights. Guided by the tribe's input, we included a boxing ring and a fire pit for traditional tobacco burning, ensuring the space honors both modern and ancestral practices. Additionally, we designed a room with advanced sound absorption for drumming, a critical cultural expression. This partnership created a functional community center and a space infused with the spirit and traditions of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe.